25 September 2012

Just wow

Below is a redacted version of some emails between one of my largest clients and myself about a recent competitive bid.

On Sep 25, 2012, at 8:33 AM, "Client, Mr" wrote:

RE: Project No: ABCD-456-00(000) Georgia Co.
P.I. No. 1234567

The following contractors have been awarded the work on the above referenced project:

Awarded Bid
Blah blah real estate appraiser
Appraisal Reports (Level 2)
$ 6,135.00
No Bids Submitted
Cost to Cure

Best Regards;
Mr Client

From: Christina Holmes [mailto:christina@christina-holmes.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 9:28 AM
To: Client, Mr
Subject: Re: Project No: ABCD-456-00(000) Georgia Co Appr Bid Award

Is this the price they bid or are we missing a digit somewhere?


Reply from Mr Client:

Actual bid

My bid? $32,600, 23 appraisals - average fee $1,417 each

Winning bid? $6,135 for the same 23 appraisals, average fee $266 each

I believe we should earn more than that for the substantial amount of education, licensing, experience, time and energy our profession requires, not to mention our court fees under these contracts are $50/hour - about 1/3 the industry average.

Just wow

12 September 2012

bidding is a process

On my way back to the office from a competitive bid meeting, reflecting on the process. Competition is good and surprisingly there was quite a lot of it at today's bid - maybe 10 real estate appraisers for a seven parcel project. The good news was, the appraisers in the room are all long term, professional valuation folks with many years of experience. The surprise is that we call showed up. It was, as one appraiser put it, a great social interaction. Next time, I may check with the team manager before heading that way . . .

05 September 2012

research today

The world around me changed pretty fast while I was not looking.  Back in the day, we would go to the courthouse, read the deeds in the big heavy books, borrow the clerk's telephone book and a quiet office, and make telephone calls to verify sales transactions.

My how things have changed!  Not too many folks have telephones (at least at home) and corporate real estate departments have scattered their employees for 'tele' working.  LinkedIn, FaceBook and emails are the best way today to reach out to confirm sales and rentals in most cases.  Is that crazy? Or is it just me . . .

So if you need me, just email.